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Frequently Asked Questions

User Account

How do I update my account information?

CyVerse users should update their account information annually for continued access to services. To update, go to the CyVerse User Portal, log in, and click the account icon in the upper right corner.

In addition to updating your email, institution, occupation, preferences and other information that may have changed, please add your ORCID ID, a unique identifier which can help you receive credit for your work. Get an ORCID here

By keeping your account information current, our funders can see the value of CyVerse to our community and we learn which of our services and platforms are most helpful to you.


What if I need more space (storage) in the Data Store?

Every user has a 5GB allocation in the Data Store. Please see information on storage allocations for CyVerse's subscription tiers .

How do I publish a large set of public data?

If you need assistance transferring a large dataset to CyVerse, please contact CyVerse Support ( or use the blue chat icon at the bottom right).

For more information on our policies, see CyVerse's Collaboration Policy and Data Management Policy .

For more information on using data at CyVerse, see the Learning Center documentation on working with data.

What public datasets are in CyVerse?

CyVerse provides web access to its public datasets via WebDav

Public datasets in CyVerse may also be accessed through the Discovery Environment, Atmosphere, the Science APIs and iCommands.

For more information on using public data at CyVerse, see the Learning Center documentation pages on HTTP Access with WebDAV.

How do I request a Community Released Data Folder?

Community Released Data folders are available for evolving datasets that individuals or communities want to make available as quickly as possible for research and reuse, especially within CyVerse analysis platforms.

Community Released Data folders are intended for datasets that are growing or changing frequently or that may not need long-term preservation.

Before requesting a folder, please read this wiki article on publishing data through the Data Commons, and this one on preparing community-released data folders.

Then, if you meet the criteria, you can request a folder using this form.

How do I connect to a shared or public folder with CyberDuck?

See our using CyberDuck documentation.

How do I open a connection to a private folder that is shared with me?

See our using the Data Store documentation.

How do I make a folder public with iCommands?

Although you can share files and folders in the DE and create public links, you must use iCommands make them visible to everyone. Permissions are set in iCommands by using ichmod ({target=_blank} .

To make a folder public, you must give read permission to two users: 'public' (anyone signed in with a CyVerse account) and 'anonymous' (anyone on the web - no log in required). To recursively make a shared folder called 'myfolder' public, use the instructions below.

ichmod -r read public /iplant/home/shared/myfolder
ichmod -r read anonymous /iplant/home/shared/myfolder

To remove public access to the folder, use:

ichmod -r null public /iplant/home/shared/myfolder
ichmod -r null anonymous /iplant/home/shared/myfolder

When sharing a file or folder, what permission should I give to my collaborator?

It depends on what you want to allow the collaborator to do with the file or folder. Options are: read, write (ability to edit the file or folder), and own (in addition to edit, can also delete and move; use this permission with caution). Learn more here .

Why can't I rename or delete files in a folder that has been shared with me?

To rename a file or folder, you must have "write" permission, and to delete a file you must have "own" permission. To check the permission you have, click the checkbox for the item and look at the Permissions shown in the Details panel on the right. Contact the person who shared the file or folder with you if they did not give you the necessary level of permission. Learn more at Changing and Viewing Data Permission Levels in the DE.

How can I manage shared files and folders for my lab group or project?

See Setting Up a Shared Directory for a Lab or Project .

Why doesn't anything happen when I move a folder I own to the Trash?

If a folder has hundreds of files, it can take several hours for the deletion to complete in the DE. Please be patient and try refreshing your browser periodically. You cannot delete 1000 files or more in the DE. You must use iCommands instead. Note that deleted files may still show up in the search for awhile, but eventually deleted files will be fully purged from the system.

Can I have spaces in file and folder names?

No. Do not use spaces or special characters in file or folder names as they can cause analyses to fail. Learn more here .

Can I view my files in a genome browser?

You can view bam, vcf, and gff genome files you own in the genome browsers at Ensembl, UCSC, IGV, GBrowse, and jbrowse, and view Fasta genome files in CoGe. Learn more about viewing genome files in a genome browser or in CoGe .

Apps and Analyses

Why has my job failed or been running forever?

The following recommendations can help you determine what went wrong and collect information for CyVerse staff in case you cannot resolve the problem yourself.

Common things to check when troubleshooting an analysis

  • View the app's parameters to make sure you used the correct input files and settings.
  • Read through the app's documentation page.
  • It also may be helpful to read through documentation about the tool that was used to create the app. Check the app's documentation page to see if a link was provided. If no link was provided, you can find specifics about the tool that was used and search for more information on the web.
  • Avoid the use of special characters and spaces in analysis names, file names, and folder names when submitting an analysis through the DE (e.g., ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = { } [ ] | : ; " ' < , ? / and spaces).

Getting Help with an analysis

If you know that an analysis typically completes in 20 minutes but you have one that still shows Running status 24 hours after you submitted it, the app used for the analysis seems to have a problem, or you didn't get any output files or the output files were not what you expected, you can submit a request for help directly in the Analyses window. The status of the analysis determines the Help information that is displayed.

  • In the Analyses window, find the analysis with the possible issue.
  • Click the name of the failed analysis whose outputs you want to view.
  • Review the suggestions for review.
  • If you still need assistance, click I still need help and complete the form.
  • Please go through all the troubleshooting steps yourself before requesting help. The problem is often something that you can diagnose yourself.

Checking log files for error

One of the main tools available for troubleshooting a failed analysis is the set of log files that are returned with each completed or failed analysis. These log files contain important information about the analysis, such as the settings that were used, files you used, and, in the case of a failed analysis, information to help explain why the analysis failed.

Because different apps are based on different tools, there is no standard method used for error reporting, so the same type of error may land in different log files. For example, one app may return errors to the stdout files (usually the screen, although it can be redirected and is generally captured in a log file here), while another saves its errors to the stderr files (which usually writes to a file, but can also be redirected). This means you may have to look in more than one log file when troubleshooting a failed analysis. The log files that most commonly contain error information are (numerals in the filename correspond to the step number that was logged in your analysis):

  • condor-stderr and condor-input-stdout log files contain errors and details about Condor, the batch manager program that handles the execution of your analyses submission in the analyses queue.
  • condor-input-stderr and condor-input-stdout files contain details about outputs from the tool upon which the app is based.

How do I get help with a tool (app) or workflow?

The steps to get Help depend on whether you're a novice or an expert with the tool (executable or binary) on which the app or workflow is based.

If you are a novice:

  1. Learn more about the tools used:
    • Search the internet for the publication describing the tool and any related documentation.
    • Make sure you understand what the tool is designed to do, what inputs it can accept and in which format, and how to set any parameters.
  2. Search the internet for informative sites in your domain. For example, SEQanswers is the go-to online forum for the next-generation sequencing community.
  3. Talk with someone at your institution who is more experienced with the tool.
  4. Try to use the app in the Discovery Environment. Click the info icon next to the app name to view the app manual and its sample test input files and expected outputs.

If you are experienced with the tool or workflow:

If you are experienced with the tool or workflow and need advice for how to work with very large-scale data or a complex workflow, you may request Extended Collaborative Support.

Why is my analysis sitting in the Submitted state for so long?

Analyses that use an app that runs on an HPC system can remain in the Submitted state for hours or even days. They may sit in the queue in Submitted state waiting to run, along with other possibly long-running jobs that were in the queue first. Therefore, it may take several days for your analysis to get its turn to run. Once your analysis runs, its results will be returned to the Data Store and you will get a notification that the analysis status is now Completed.

Is there a limit to how many analyses (jobs) I can run at the same time in the Discovery Environment?

The DE will run up to 8 of your analyses at the same time. You can launch more, but they will not run until some of your analyses have completed.

I'm trying to run an analysis, but when I enter an input I can't see my files. Why? I know they are there.

Because the app requires a folder as input, not a file, the files don't show since they aren't the appropriate inputs for the app. The files are indeed there but don't show. Check the app's input box; if it says "Select a folder", then it requires a folder input. Put the file(s) you want to input into a folder and then use that folder as input. Note: You can use Drag and Drop to input the folder by finding it in the Data window, making sure the folder name is shown in the center panel, and then dragging the folder into the app's input box.

How do I rerun a job, but with different parameters or with a different input?

You can easily relaunch the same analysis with different settings:

In the Analyses window, click the app name in the App column for the analysis you want to rerun. This opens up an app window for that app, which is already configured with the inputs and settings you used for the previous analysis run. Change settings or inputs as needed. Click Launch Analysis to launch the new analysis.

Learn more here.

How do I run the same analysis on a number of files most efficiently?

You can create a file that contains a list of up to 16 files to use as input for high-throughput and batch file execution. Such a file is called an HT Analysis Path List file. Learn more here, and if you still have questions, read here.

I want to analyze a series of files with the same app, but the output files all have the same name. How do I distinguish them so I can use them in a workflow?

You can avoid confusion by finding the output folder in your Data list and renaming each output file with a unique name. After renaming the output files, you can then use them together in a step of the analysis workflow.

Why can't I find an app in the Discovery Environment?

There are two common reasons why an app is not "visible" or doesn't come up in search in the Apps list:

  • The app may be an HPC (high-performance computing) app, which is only displayed after you have logged in to Tapis, where the HPC apps are stored. To do so, click the HPC tab in the Apps window and enter your CyVerse username and password.
  • The app may not yet be public, or the app owner may not have shared the unpublished app with you. Check with the owner to see if it is indeed shared with you or is public.

If you still can't find the app, it's possible it has been deprecated. If an app is no longer returned in a search query, search for an app with a similar name or one that uses the same tool, topic, or operation. If you are the app integrator and need the app returned to the catalog, contact Support ( for assistance. Learn more about deprecated apps.

What apps and workflows are in CyVerse?

CyVerse has hundreds of apps and workflows in the Discovery Environment (DE). You can view the list of applications available in the DE here. Most apps in the DE have user manuals to help you use the app. You also can browse the list of tutorials to find help to learn a complicated workflow or how to use an app in the DE or VICE.

How do I make my app available for others to use?

You can create a new app interface in the Discovery Environment and share it with other users and you also can install the app on VICE. In most cases, providing a Docker container (or a link to one) with the application of your choice is all you need to start. See the Develop section of the Learning Center.


Does CyVerse have resources for GPU and containers (e.g., to stabilize R modules using the nvidia cuda)?

Yes; please email Tyson at for details.

While container performance is greater than a VM, how much is container performance below that of native mode, in general?

Please see the Conclusion section bullet #2 in Evaluation of Docker Containers for Scientific Workloads in the Cloud.

Are there tools for scanning publicly available containers in Atmosphere VMs for malware?

Docker Hub and Quay, two of the most popular public container image registries, both provide security scanning for images that are uploaded to their sites. Details about how to enable or use these registries' security scanning features can be found here: and

Other tools to scan your container images without using DockerHub and Quay include Anchore, Clair, and Trivy, with new container-based security scanning software being developed all the time. Each solution seems to take a different approach to security scanning, so you might need to experiment to find the tool that works for your workflow. The easier tools to use are Anchore, which can be used as a container itself, and Trivy, which can be installed by a package manager.

When using Singularity, there is built-in integration with Clair using Singularity's tools. Information about Singularity tools can be found here:

Bring Your Own (BYO)

How can I use CyVerse's tools and resources from within my program/app?

See information about our Science APIs; you can also contact Support using the blue chat icon at the bottom right of the platform. For projects requiring more extensive support, you can request community support or an external collaborative partnership (see Collaboration below).


How can I get a letter of collaboration for my grant proposal that uses CyVerse?

To request a letter of collaboration, email your request with the following information:
- the CyVerse resources your project will use (e.g., storage, computing power, expertise for scaling, etc.) and indicate if any resulting datasets will be made publicly available; - the name of the PI, proposal title, funding agency, the date you need the letter - if there is a template that must be used, please attach it to your email.

What is an external collaborative partnership and how do I apply?

External Collaborative Partnerships (ECP) pair member(s) of the CyVerse user community with expert CyVerse staff to address the computational needs of a scientific project. Requests are reviewed on an ongoing basis.

The criteria CyVerse uses to review ECP requests are available here: ECP Criteria.

To help you complete the ECP Application, the questions on the form are listed below.

External Collaborative Partnership Application Questions

  • Project Principal Investigator (PI)
  • Institution
  • Collaborating personnel:

    • Provide a detailed list of students, technicians, informaticians and/or developers who will be able to assist with project design and implementation, their respective computational science skill sets (e.g., web design, Python, GWAS, etc.), and their specific time commitments during the project (e.g., 1.5 hrs/day).
  • Previous interactions with CyVerse

  • Funding sources
  • Project title
  • Project description
  • Please summarize your proposal's activities and desired outcomes (500 chars or less)

  • Scientific description:

    • Provide a scientific description of your project. Describe how the proposed project is within the scope of CyVerse's scientific Enablement Vision. Illustrate how any resulting deliverables have the potential to enable science for scientists beyond your immediate network of collaborators.
  • Technical description:

    • Provide a technical description of your project. What is the computational need that Will be addressed with assistance from CyVerse? Identify specific potential deliverables to be implemented using CyVerse technologies, such as the Discovery Environment, Atmosphere, APIs, Data Store, Data Commons, etc.
  • Timeline and milestones for completing the project:

    • Provide a timeline of specific monthly milestones (deliverables). Projects of short duration (~2 months) should provide weekly milestones.
  • Scientific and technical impact:

    • Describe how the success of this collaboration will benefit your project and the broader community.
  • Communication and sharing plan:

    • Will the data and/or workflows be made publicly available through CyVerse?
      • Will you be blogging and/or tweeting about the work?
      • Will you be giving a talk about your work at your institution or at a professional conference?
      • Will you be writing a news article for the CyVerse website or newsletter?
      • Will you be preparing a tutorial that uses the datasets or workflows?
      • Will you be leading a workshop(s) or webinar(s) to teach others to use the data or workflow(s)?

Teaching and Training

How can I use CyVerse in my course?

A great teaching resource is to use containerized workflows in DE/VICE for a class. By loading a container with the software tools, datasets, and analysis parameters necessary to run an analysis, educators use containers to help overcome many technological and logistical (i.e., devices with different OS) hurdles for both learning and teaching informatics and computational skills. See Teaching with VICE for more information.

Also, DNA Subway is especially useful for teaching the basics of computational genomics workflows: gene concepts, phylogenetics, DNA barcoding and RNA-Seq analysis. With a friendly user interface, DNA Subway uses the analogy of multiple subway stops and lines to understand genomics workflows and has been used successfully by high school students and above.

Can CyVerse give a workshop at my institution?

Funding to support workshop requests is very limioted, with priority for trainings at underserved institutions (rural, HBCU/Tribal/Hispanic-serving, etc.). Contact CyVerse's Education, Outreach, and Training Lead Jason Williams (